Tuesday 14 August 2012

Promoting your Video for Free or on a Low Budget:

2 fresh Ideas just for you, and links to the best free distribution video sites

Solly Labs work with businesses.

Some are multinational, some are national leaders in their market, and some are crossing the starting line in developing the video element of their marketing mix.

We at Solly Labs want with this feature article to give smaller businesses something different, ideas they won’t read anywhere else. The web is a big place, and it’s difficult to come up with novel and different ideas (let alone effective ones,) but thankfully creativity and business is in our bones.

We focus here on smaller businesses as we know how hard it is to gather impressions, and to engage customers when the Internet is abuzz with the noise of bigger well established brands.
They squeeze smaller players to the margins.

Whilst a Solly Labs socially shared video creation can be acquired for the same cost as just seconds of the TV ad-space big players buy up by the hour; how the video is delivered (and the cost of that delivery) to the eye of the target is a huge consideration.

It is as worthwhile a consideration as the development of the video itself.

The big brands can follow the consumer to each and every platform a consumer uses.
For example Disney on learning kids liked to watch video in cars, created mobile video solutions.

As a small player you may not be able to afford using pay per impression and for promoting the video on a variety of platforms.

You may need to choose just one means, “the best one for you,” either that, or get very creative.
Get the traction you deserve with Solly Labs

Here are some creative and cost effective options:

A)   Merging your Video with a Content Production
There are a multitude of amateur and professional directors creating low budget films and documentaries in need of hard cash (but very small amounts of it,) to get their projects off the ground. These individuals are easily found, and you’ll find in communicating with them, they are open to sponsorship of their production.

Starting to get the picture?

Find a project that has a targeted viewer base consistent with your target market, and you are looking at the optimum space to have your video displayed. Not only will the director and all persons associated with the production be a sales force in themselves, promoting their production for the attainment of views, but when your video is spliced into the content (as the ad break, or as a forerunner to the content itself, you will be netting a plethora of benefits.

-       Your video will be delivered on target each time the content is viewed.
-       Your firm will be recognised as a supporter of the arts, giving your brand added credibility.
-       If you choose the right production there will be showcases on the big screen, netting you scores if not hundreds of impressions all at once.

B)   Taking your Video to the airwaves

If you want the stature that comes with being on radio, but don’t want to expend additional sums in radio ad development, you’ll find the audio element of Solly Lab creations can be split from the video with ease. The professional voice-over will carry your message with precision. Given that Solly Lab’s offer range includes creating videos of commensurate length with radio standard, your professional script and audio enhancements can be used as an added value bonus to our offering.

C)   Go with Free Online Video Sites for the Distribution of your Video

New video distribution sites are emerging every week. Many will fail to get enough traction to allow you springboard off their success. Whilst of course YouTube, being the second largest search engine in the world will be your first post of call, it should not be your only one.
If even one in every twenty people who see your video become inspired to Pinterest, Facebook or share it by another social networking tool, your video will be well on its way to netting the same viewer numbers the big players have expending five figure sums to net. 
Attain valuable free views of the creation that Solly Labs develops for you, by uploading your content to the following free video distribution sites:

  1. http://on.aol.com/
  2. http://www.screenjunkies.com/
  3. http://vimeo.com/
  4. http://www.saymedia.com
  5. http://www.veoh.com/
  6. http://digg.com/
  7. http://www.metacafe.com/
  8. http://www.clipsid.com/
  9. http://videosift.com/
  10. http://www.clipshack.com/
  11. http://www.myspace.com/video
  12. http://www.bebo.com/

Facebook, Bebo, Myspace, and indeed all of the free distribution video sites listed here allow you to upload your video. However there is an issue video promoters need to take into account when going down the social networking route to video promotion.

That factor is time

When promoting your video via this avenue you need to remember:

There are hundreds of thousands of individuals using these sites promoting their videos for a living. These people are sharp, well versed in best practice video promotion. They are well practiced in the use of the varied mix of techniques it takes to mass market video.

You will be up against them, and perhaps screaming in the wind to attract viewer attention.

Trawling through YouTube and seeing how the pros do it is a useful tactic. What will leap out at you is the sheer number of subscribers they have for their video channels. This is no accident, each subscriber has been carefully cultivated, and one of the prime means of doing so is “networking” / responding to commenters etc.

The promotional video creations of Solly Labs are designed as a time saving tool. Instead of having to individually deliver your pitch to every target, the perfect pitch process is automated.

If you choose to outsource us to deliver this video entity for your business, you may also consider outsourcing the social media engagement process for your video. Your time is the most precious time in the World, an experienced professional can take on this function for you, and dare we say it they may be able to do it better and more cheaply than you can do it in-house.

However; whilst this is an important business function, it can also be a fun one, and the experience gained in doing so is a commercial skill. Beyond the outsourcing option, taking on an intern and letting them play a real role in your business development with the maintenance of your multiple video channels will rock their World, as you rock The World with your video creation.     

Monday 6 August 2012

Mega-Bucks Passive Selling Formula Big Cash Fast $$ ACT NOW!!

Before you set up your enterprise, you likely signed up to one or more Guru news-letters. They promise passive and residual income “if you follow their formula” (buying their information product for the “Secrets, they promise to take the hardship out of selling.  

As salespeople educated in the era of up-selling, cross-selling and hard-selling, it has been hard for us all to come to terms with the new market reality since the crash.
What’s that reality?

No matter how strong the call to action, no matter how forcibly we act in pushing the customer to make a transaction, the customer will only buy when they are ready to buy.

If you have in your diary that you make your cold calls on a Wednesday, and customers just don’t want to buy on a Wednesday, or have already gobbled up their budget for the week, tough luck for you. You can generate all the buying signals in the marketer’s dictionary, but still come away empty handed.

Granted you delivered a brand impression, and it may be beneficial in the future...
BUT wouldn’t it be better to AUTOMATE the selling process?
With the perfect video, whether it is a:
  • ·         Pre-selling video
  • ·         An explainer video
  • ·        Or a promotional tool that presents you and your enterprise at its best...

That marketing video is Your AUTOMATED sales tool.

A tool developed to peak customer interest, to engage directly on a personal level, and to be found (by enhancing the “searchability”) when the customer has the desire to buy.       
Solly Labs presents the means for your business to generate income passively.

The difference is:

This formula for success is one we develop together. 

Solly Labs





Saturday 14 July 2012

Augmenting Brands: Making Brands Better with Video

Putting your right foot forward with your left tripping you up; now that’s two steps back.

Your brand, whether you love it or hate it, you’re stuck with it.

It’s your past, and viable future business opportunities and transactions are based on track records.  Web based video marketing, the promotion of, and the consumer’s engagement with the promise you push, can “unstuck you” however.

Video can deliver an augmentation of the brand.

Small changes to better align, to update, to smoothen and render a clearer and more valid promise to your market. That’s the result of making the visual promotion choice with Solly Labs. 

Our augmentation is a collaborative effort.

Solly Labs refine brands, the words, the audio, the visual, with a clear and effective communication process between our clients and us, (notice how we put “our clients” first?)

Back and forth, that’s where collaboration is at.

Taking direction, but taking those directions in a new direction for the exploration of new creative ideas. Right brain thinking used for idea development, ideas consistent with the core elements; the fundamental foundations; the bricks that make your reputation what it is.   

Not a rebrand. So much is lost when you rebrand that you would be better off starting from scratch. The old testimonials no longer stand, every word of brand boosting literature, and every moment spent in customer interaction, become ghosts forgotten, efforts in vain.   

Solly Labs
A team adamant
A team creative
A team arduously working to take client product and service benefits, and make them understood.
Collaborate with our team, and harness the full potential of your brand.

Solly Labs





Saturday 7 July 2012

Does Unifying B2B and B2C Messages in Video Work?

Can you market B2B and B2C in tandem, or are the tools that best engage the consumer at home, and the office bound executive, alien from one another? 50% + of senior executives in the US used web based video to make buying decisions last year, the videos engaged them, and convinced them. However, the “on the clock’ businessperson sought out the advertisements.

The advertising business videos were not inflicted upon them.

The hearts of end consumers are becoming increasingly hardened, devices like TiVo and their popularity demonstrate that these qualified targets have a desire to rid their lives of advertisements. “Sorry not interested” meets telemarketer ears daily well before pitch delivery, and brand impressions are everywhere (estimated 2,000 deliveries per person per day.)

Can the end consumer be blamed for wanting to avoid advertisements altogether?

The perfect avatar that enters your site’s optimized keywords into their search-engine and (thanks to Google’s merging with YouTube) finds your video above the fold on page 1 is a rarity, and even then your chances of converting them are only just ‘up for grabs.’  The realities of marketing to end consumers have changed forever.

At the same time the B2B buying cycle has lengthened dramatically.

An unwillingness to part with money at the senior executive end until the vending business has earned their trust, that’s the new reality since the bust. Hard pressed and credit squeezed consumers have limited funds, and limited tolerance for viewing adverts of offerings they can ill afford. The new economy is about trust and value, that is what ‘in tandem’ consumers and executives desire.

The sales mechanisms to get both targets to reach that point of trusting however are different.

A business person will not make a choice to buy based on the “sex sells” device. Their business culture too may not be as open to humour based marketing, as it is primarily trust they are seeking to achieve. When the onus is placed on creating an emotional attachment with the brand, be the buyer a business or your couch based target, this is the main point of mergence for effective B2B and B2C Marketing.

But here is the thing: Humour is the most effective means of grabbing end consumer attention.

The Institute of Communication Agencies (2009 figures) determined that 67% of Canadians are persuaded by humour based advertising, and sex based selling has been so overcooked that it now only nets a nickel out of every dollar sale. In consumer targeted web video, humour is the means to start the emotional attachment process.

This raises the question of: Is it possible to kill two birds with the one stone?

If you are a business that wants to sell to businesses, but also to consumers, you are best served in many instances by having two varied pitches. The end consumer is by and large seeking to avoid your marketing efforts; humour can still be harnessed to acquire their attention, to deliver your multiple brand impressions, and to solicit their trust in your offering by stealth.

The best way to sell to end consumers is; if they are almost unaware that they are being sold to.

Humour is shared and can go viral. If you are relying on a viral video to get your outfit to critical mass though, we have to be honest: Viral sales videos cannot be a guaranteed outcome when working with us. We can aid you compete no end in this global marketplace, but If your business offers commodities only, and you offer us nothing we can use to set your business apart, we won’t be able to set you apart.  

If your offer to market is not a good one, your product or service just won’t sell.

No amount of humour, sex, emotional attachment, or fancy graphics, will change that fact. Solly Labs have built our reputation delivering ‘on point’ marketing solutions in web video form. We are honest in our customer liaison, but so too we go to the required lengths and beyond, in understanding the businesses we serve. We position client offers in formats that net results in the post bust economy.

The all important element of a sales video is that strong offers are delivered in the strongest way.

Of course we’ve served our clients who vend both B2B and B2C with one all consuming explainer video, sales video, or interactive video when making a unified offer has been appropriate. We want you to know though, that the elusive killing of two birds with one stone is not always possible. Two separate videos or video series will be your best route to achieving your business goals in some instances.

Whether the customer is a business or end consumer, they want messages they can relate to.

Whilst not guaranteeing you a single ‘half billion views of viral video sensation’ that unifies a B2B and B2C message, pursuing this for our clients is always part of our focus. By concentrating on the core elements of promotion and staying cutting edge, creating social videos, harnessing the latest technology for aesthetic splendour, we guarantee you a video that meets realistic goals.

Getting and keeping your message out there, for major ROI on marketing spend.

Solly Labs





Saturday 30 June 2012

Making your Sales Videos Two-Way Communication Tools

Sales communications must be two way, and of course every sales message delivered must have an intention. No intention; and you are not only wasting your own time, but that of your target customer.

Look through your competitor sales video offerings for a call to action – You’ll find it

Best Case Scenario:

The target consumer communication to you is an immediate acquisition of your good / service.


In truth people are not so easily parted with their money.

The Video is a sales tool, an explainer tool helping brand your product, creating equity, and allowing you charge a higher price or rate for your offering. For lower value purchases the immediate conversion rate delivery of the video can be very high.

For very important purchases though, for decisions of real consequence (if in particular there is a large money amount involved) it serves mainly to peak interest and incite the want to buy the product or utilize the service. This is not quite money in the bank just yet.

The aim is to get the target speaking with you. Once there is a line of communication you can bring them closer to the point of a bargain being struck, understanding their needs and making an offer in line with the meeting of their needs.

We at Solly Labs focus on a multiple call to action (sometimes more subtle, and sometimes sales based direct response) formula, this ensures even if you aren’t talking to a brick wall, you will know you aren’t, because your customers will be telling you so

Solly Labs





Friday 22 June 2012

Making sure your Video is Searchable (And Findable)

Some marketers are so consumed with white and black hat SEO tactics used in articles, web copy, press releases etc, that they are blinkered to the fact that video can be just as optimised.
Search engine optimising the spoken words in your video won’t net you a better search page ranking in audio form, but a good transcriber if your video is interview based, or augmenting your written script into web copy / articles, can utilise the high quality words for search position promotion. 

That is just one tactic. The most direct approach right now is taking advantage of the YouTube acquisition by Google. Go on, go to the search engine and look up anything. What do you see? You will likely find a video in third position on the page.

That video could well be no more viewed than the web text on the 100th page of the search results, but because it is video and parent brand Google want to give YouTube a push, the algorithm finds the most relevant video to the search and puts it above the fold on page one.

Making your video the "most relevant"
In a word “tagging,” in five words “foster organic viewer number growth” (more on the organic end in another blog soon; we promise.)

Tagging: Find a non generic name for the title of the video that is right on point with what is in the video. Remember to best optimize the portion of explainer text too, and ensure the words you use are used just as you would in keyword dense articles (remember not to make the description unreadable.)

Solly Labs will assist you with all the finer details of making your video a hit.

Solly Labs


Friday 15 June 2012

Our Hiring Practice, Sourcing a Talented and Creative Team for You

Today we want to focus on two book quotes concerning “creativity.”

Creativity is an essential element of 21st century marketing, a time when the tried / trusted has been overused and no longer solicits results. Your target consumers are sick of, and bored with non creative delivery of marketing messages.

A lack of creativity in how the message is delievered virtually ensures they will switch off to the message, or fail to get that “Epipheo moment.” The moment when it ‘clicks that what you have, is what they want.

The first quote is from Human Motivation by Robert E. Franken. The second is from Author Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

Quote 1:

“Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.”

When sourcing the talent who create your scripts, who develop your story boards, who envisage the visuals, and provide the voice to the imagery of our creative art team, we make sure this creativity is in their souls and minds.
Video is about protraying ideas in an easily consumable way, of solving problems, and it is our team who; Working hand in hand with our clientelle, deliver the creative results that keep us in business to fight for you another day.

Quote 2:

There are ten most recognized characteristics of the Creative Personality, but we look for the 9th personality characteristic above all else.

“Most creative persons are very passionate about their work, yet they can be extremely objective about it as well.”

When an assignment is given, our people work with passion towards creating the perfect solution. However, our cleints’ desires are “our” foremost concern, if you want us to go back to the drawing board, we’ll drink coffee and brainstorm your solution until our fit is your perfect fit.

Solly Labs





Thursday 7 June 2012

Optimize Your Online Video Engagement

Devising a plan to create a library of useful, engaging videos is a wonderful way to drive traffic to your website and engage your audience. 

But as you create videos, it’s important to consistently evaluate your video metrics so you can get to know your audience’s viewing habits – how long they stay on your website, how many videos they watch and the average length of engagement per video. It will also show you “unexpected hits,” or those videos that performed unexpectedly well.

This information is important because it will help you tailor your future video development efforts on videos that best match the needs and viewing habits of your audience. For instance, if humorous videos tend to get more views, you’ll know to keep your videos lighthearted and fun. Likewise, if viewers tend to tune out after 90 seconds of video, you’ll know to keep your videos short and sweet.

The benefits of evaluating your video metrics and optimizing engagement are huge. Over time, it will lead to higher engagement and a noticeable increase in the number of views your videos receive. 

Solly Labs





Wednesday 30 May 2012

Avoid This Mistake When Creating Online Videos

It’s easy to get caught up in the frenzy of creating a popular online video, but by focusing on virality instead of substance, you are doing yourself and your audience a disservice.

The fact is that your chances of creating a viral video are about the same as hitting it big on the roulette wheel—it’s simply a matter of luck. And at the end of the day, it’s not the total number of viewers you should be after—it’s the total number of relevant viewers that’s important. 

So instead of trying to imitate popular videos or resorting to over-the-top hijinks, focus on creating useful content for your videos that will resonate with your company’s core audience. Useful videos are more likely to be shared organically and are ultimately the ones that will help you connect with your audience and build your business’ value. 

 Solly Labs





Wednesday 23 May 2012

Four Ways to Use Online Video

Online video presents an excellent way to engage users, create an audience base and increase your web traffic without having to spend a lot of money. If you’ve recognized the benefits of online video, and are thinking about starting an online video campaign for your business, here are some great ideas to get you started.

1. Introduce Your Employees

Online videos are a great way to show off your employees. Create fun videos that put viewers “behind the scenes” of your business so they can get to know you and your business better. Such videos can include employee bloopers, favorite hobbies and footage of fun company events. The key is to show your company’s unique personality and to create an appealing and endearing look of your employees. So go ahead and give the public an inside look into your business. Whether you work together to maintain a cooperative garden, believe in daytime power napping or have fun creativity-boosting methods, it’s likely you have something interesting to share.

2. Become a Teacher

Do-it-yourself, or how-to, videos are becoming increasingly popular online. You can take advantage of this trend by creating how-to videos relating to your company’s area of expertise. Work in the cosmetology industry? Offer how-to videos on applying makeup and manicuring. Likewise, contractors or home improvement experts can offer tutorials on how to prep walls for painting or how to install countertops. Regardless of your industry, the possibilities are virtually endless.

3. Give a Product Demonstration

If you have products for sale, online videos can be a great way to show off your products’ features and entice viewers to make a purchase. Unlike text or photos, videos give your audience a way to interact with your products and see them in action. Think of it as a mini (and inexpensive!) infomercial for the web.

4. Host Expert Interviews

The key benefit of hosting expert interviews is similar to that of creating how-to videos: it creates trust in your company and establishes you as an authoritative voice in your industry. Use experts to discuss industry trends and to give valuable insights; just be sure to preserve neutrality (and trust) by avoiding paid endorsements. When experts are paid to give their opinions and expertise, your audience will question their motives and be less likely to trust their opinions fully. 

Solly Labs





Friday 18 May 2012

When it Comes to Online Promotional Videos, More is Better

So, you’ve discovered the value of online promotional video and want to create one for your brand. Kudos.

And while a single video is certainly a good start, it should be just that – a start. After all, the more videos you have, the more social media exposure you can garner and the more traffic you can direct to your website.

Not sure how you can generate content for multiple videos? Consider these ideas:

•    Split a longer video into multiple parts to create a series
•    Create a “behind-the-scenes” video that shows the people and processes behind your business
•    Create a “how to” video on different ways customers can use your product/service

As you begin to develop more videos, you’ll have the opportunity to grow your YouTube channel and the number of channel subscribers. Over time, this will help generate more “buzz” for your brand and increase your reputation and name recognition among prospective customers.

Solly Labs





Tuesday 15 May 2012

Selecting the Right Video Length

When creating an online promotional video, it’s important to consider the length of the video carefully. On the one hand, you want it to be long enough to tell your story effectively.  On the other hand, it should be short enough to hold your viewers’ attention spans from start to finish.

As a general rule of thumb, videos shorter than three minutes are ideal for the web. Studies have shown that viewers are willing to stay put for a 180-second video (as long as it’s engaging, that is). Shorter videos also have the advantage of being faster to load because of their smaller file sizes and lower bandwidth requirements. 

When creating your online video, keep the following tips in mind :

  • Keep your video on target. If parts of the video don’t contribute to the overall message of the piece, take them out. Same goes for parts of the video that don’t keep the storyline moving forward.  
  •  Put the main message towards the beginning of the video. This will ensure that viewers get the main message of your piece –whether they watch it in its entirety or not.
  • While shorter videos almost always do better than longer videos, length becomes less important when the video is fun, interesting and engaging. Hold their attention and they’ll stay engaged – whether the video is 10 seconds or 10 minutes.

Solly Labs





Tuesday 8 May 2012

Why You Need to Hire a Professional Video Production Company

Think a self-produced video is better than no video at all?

Think again.

In addition to the professional expertise required to create well-produced promotional video, the process requires a lot of time and energy – two things you probably don’t have to spare (especially if you’re trying to launch or grow a business!) Self-produced videos are also prone to mistakes – something you won’t have to worry about with a professional video company.

Most video production companies also offer help with script writing, voice over artists and social media marketing – valuable services that can give your video the “wow” factor and exposure you’re looking for. 

Solly Labs





Thursday 3 May 2012

Using Social Media to Drive a Video Marketing Campaign

Have you shared or “liked” a video on a social media site recently? Chances are you have. Across the world, people are spending more time on social media sites to catch up with friends, read news, play games and follow topics that interest them. In fact, social media now accounts for a whopping 22.5 percent of all time people spend online!

As an online business owner or marketer, you can leverage the growing popularity of social media by using it as a vehicle to share online videos and drive traffic to your website. Videos can be shared readily on all major social media networks, including Facebook, Twitter and Google+.

Why You Need to be Utilizing Social Media Video Sharing

Simply put, social media sharing is easy, free(!) and effective. One of the factors that make social media such an effective marketing medium is that it relies heavily on friends’ referrals – and people tend to trust their friends. Therefore, a video you share, “like” or comment on will have a greater chance of being viewed by your friends or followers, as well. Why? Because they like you, they trust your opinions and probably share many of your interests.

Another benefit of sharing videos on social media sites is that they stay online forever. This means that in weeks, months or even years from now, that same video can be generating views and directing visitors to your website.

Here’s what you need to know about sharing on the various social media sites:

  •          Facebook: This popular network allows users to embed and watch videos directly on their Facebook news feeds. Because videos can be watched directly in Facebook, users are more apt to watch videos – and watch them in their entirety. In addition, all it takes is a simple comment or “like” to make your video visible to even more Facebook users and increase its virality.

  •          Twitter: Although videos can’t be embedded directly into Twitter, users are accustomed to clicking outside links to access articles, videos and other content. Because Twitter limits the number of characters you can use to construct your Tweets, it’s wise to use a URL shortener instead of the full video URL. This will give you more space to sell your video and entice users to click your link. Once your tweet is live, it can generate a global reach in no time – retweets by followers will catapult the video around the world, generating views quickly and effectively.

  •          Google+: On Google+, you can share video URLs or embed videos directly to your account – just as you would on Facebook. Once posted, your video will be shared with those circles you’ve selected. From there it can be re-shared over and over again.

If you’re considering using promotional videos to generate interest in your brand, there are some important tips to keep in mind. First, spend time working with professional video developers to ensure your video is engaging, effective and worth watching. The better your video is, the more views it will garner. Secondly, don’t forget the importance of giving your video a powerful title. Not only will this help grab the attention of viewers, it will help improve its search engine ranking.

Solly Labs



