Tuesday 14 August 2012

Promoting your Video for Free or on a Low Budget:

2 fresh Ideas just for you, and links to the best free distribution video sites

Solly Labs work with businesses.

Some are multinational, some are national leaders in their market, and some are crossing the starting line in developing the video element of their marketing mix.

We at Solly Labs want with this feature article to give smaller businesses something different, ideas they won’t read anywhere else. The web is a big place, and it’s difficult to come up with novel and different ideas (let alone effective ones,) but thankfully creativity and business is in our bones.

We focus here on smaller businesses as we know how hard it is to gather impressions, and to engage customers when the Internet is abuzz with the noise of bigger well established brands.
They squeeze smaller players to the margins.

Whilst a Solly Labs socially shared video creation can be acquired for the same cost as just seconds of the TV ad-space big players buy up by the hour; how the video is delivered (and the cost of that delivery) to the eye of the target is a huge consideration.

It is as worthwhile a consideration as the development of the video itself.

The big brands can follow the consumer to each and every platform a consumer uses.
For example Disney on learning kids liked to watch video in cars, created mobile video solutions.

As a small player you may not be able to afford using pay per impression and for promoting the video on a variety of platforms.

You may need to choose just one means, “the best one for you,” either that, or get very creative.
Get the traction you deserve with Solly Labs

Here are some creative and cost effective options:

A)   Merging your Video with a Content Production
There are a multitude of amateur and professional directors creating low budget films and documentaries in need of hard cash (but very small amounts of it,) to get their projects off the ground. These individuals are easily found, and you’ll find in communicating with them, they are open to sponsorship of their production.

Starting to get the picture?

Find a project that has a targeted viewer base consistent with your target market, and you are looking at the optimum space to have your video displayed. Not only will the director and all persons associated with the production be a sales force in themselves, promoting their production for the attainment of views, but when your video is spliced into the content (as the ad break, or as a forerunner to the content itself, you will be netting a plethora of benefits.

-       Your video will be delivered on target each time the content is viewed.
-       Your firm will be recognised as a supporter of the arts, giving your brand added credibility.
-       If you choose the right production there will be showcases on the big screen, netting you scores if not hundreds of impressions all at once.

B)   Taking your Video to the airwaves

If you want the stature that comes with being on radio, but don’t want to expend additional sums in radio ad development, you’ll find the audio element of Solly Lab creations can be split from the video with ease. The professional voice-over will carry your message with precision. Given that Solly Lab’s offer range includes creating videos of commensurate length with radio standard, your professional script and audio enhancements can be used as an added value bonus to our offering.

C)   Go with Free Online Video Sites for the Distribution of your Video

New video distribution sites are emerging every week. Many will fail to get enough traction to allow you springboard off their success. Whilst of course YouTube, being the second largest search engine in the world will be your first post of call, it should not be your only one.
If even one in every twenty people who see your video become inspired to Pinterest, Facebook or share it by another social networking tool, your video will be well on its way to netting the same viewer numbers the big players have expending five figure sums to net. 
Attain valuable free views of the creation that Solly Labs develops for you, by uploading your content to the following free video distribution sites:

  1. http://on.aol.com/
  2. http://www.screenjunkies.com/
  3. http://vimeo.com/
  4. http://www.saymedia.com
  5. http://www.veoh.com/
  6. http://digg.com/
  7. http://www.metacafe.com/
  8. http://www.clipsid.com/
  9. http://videosift.com/
  10. http://www.clipshack.com/
  11. http://www.myspace.com/video
  12. http://www.bebo.com/

Facebook, Bebo, Myspace, and indeed all of the free distribution video sites listed here allow you to upload your video. However there is an issue video promoters need to take into account when going down the social networking route to video promotion.

That factor is time

When promoting your video via this avenue you need to remember:

There are hundreds of thousands of individuals using these sites promoting their videos for a living. These people are sharp, well versed in best practice video promotion. They are well practiced in the use of the varied mix of techniques it takes to mass market video.

You will be up against them, and perhaps screaming in the wind to attract viewer attention.

Trawling through YouTube and seeing how the pros do it is a useful tactic. What will leap out at you is the sheer number of subscribers they have for their video channels. This is no accident, each subscriber has been carefully cultivated, and one of the prime means of doing so is “networking” / responding to commenters etc.

The promotional video creations of Solly Labs are designed as a time saving tool. Instead of having to individually deliver your pitch to every target, the perfect pitch process is automated.

If you choose to outsource us to deliver this video entity for your business, you may also consider outsourcing the social media engagement process for your video. Your time is the most precious time in the World, an experienced professional can take on this function for you, and dare we say it they may be able to do it better and more cheaply than you can do it in-house.

However; whilst this is an important business function, it can also be a fun one, and the experience gained in doing so is a commercial skill. Beyond the outsourcing option, taking on an intern and letting them play a real role in your business development with the maintenance of your multiple video channels will rock their World, as you rock The World with your video creation.     

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